Monday 15 April 2013

Blake's 7 redesigns

 Whee!  I've just heard the news that Syfy channel is remaking Blake's 7.  It just so happens that I've been doing some designs for my own enjoyment!

Sunday 14 April 2013

Model Madness

I build models too.  This is the 1/6 scale Judge Dredd from Halcyon that was released in the mid 90's.  It was built out of the box except for the base.  I scratchbuilt the gun as the kit supplied one looked like a vibrator with an egg timer attached.

Rogue Trooper

One of the classic British comic stories and a personal favourite of mine.   Created by Dave Gibbons (of Watchmen fame) in the early 80's it tells the story of a Genetic Infantryman and his quest for justice on a war torn planet in the far future.

I wanted to show this to Dave Gibbons at Supanova yesterday, but the queue at his table was so long (composed almost entirely of Rorshach and Comedian cosplayers) and slow that it was more likely that the earth would fall into the sun before I got to the head of the line.  Ah well, such is life.